Parents and Guardians….Welcome to ‘your’ page of the ‘School in Motion’ website for the Valley Forge Middle School!
The ‘My School in Motion’ program undertaken by GVF, T/E School District and Valley Forge Middle School aims to bring together two important themes in your child’s education: the health and wellness components of walking and biking to school as well as the value of these activities as an alternate mode of transportation. We are educating the next generation of ‘commuters’!
We will post articles, links and educational guidelines within these themes for your education…and to encourage your family’s participation with the whole community. Thanks for your interest and participation!
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has studied the relationship between physical activity and student performance and offers recommendations on activity levels for adolescents as well as adults.
The National ‘Safe Routes to School’ program has been a program in existence for over ten years and advocates for safe, compliant routes for children to walk or bike to school. Check out their guidance documents for parents and guardians interested in starting a ‘bike train’ to school…and ‘walking school buses’ - an active way to join spend time with your child and reduce the amount of car traffic near your school.
Check out the resources available through the CDC below.